Treasonous Fat Twats

When Two Twats Collude

We Highlight The Lovey Doveys, Hypocrites And Useless Twats

Complete Twat - Period!

You Can Pick The Next Twat

Create Your Own 'Is A Twat' Website

Site Information

The 'Is A Twat' website exists because there is a boat load of twats in this world. Turn on the radio or TV and there will be a cunt there. In order to learn more about our network, we have these information pages. For example, About Us and Privacy Policy etc.

Twatting Showcase

You may wish to see some 'Is A Twat' websites before you design your own. Click this link to go to the Showcase where you could pick up an idea or two. Once you make your own website, tell us and we will include it here too. Also, why not show it off in the Forum too!

Website Creation

Once you have found a horrible cunt who is also a complete twat, let the world know! Miserable twats have infested the entertainment industry and the political world is full of cunts. So, design your own 'Is A Twat' website and start twatting the bastards today.

Twat Forum

Chill out with us in the Twat Forum. Our message boards are full of twats and cunts, so it helps if you are this way inclined. The chat rooms are open to everyone, but you will probably be twatted before you start twatting others. Highlight the big useless bastards here.
Is A Twat Network: obviously we are here to expose the biggest twats on earth. With the world being dumbed down and pandering to the left-wing loonies, there's plenty of these cunts to talk about. For example, we have the feminists who are basically glorified lesbians. Then there are the crazy politicians who are just fuckwits. Those in the entertainment industry lick up to the twats in charge and come over as complete arseholes. Should any speak out against the lunacy, their career is over unless they apologise. So, they all become twats. This is your chance to tell the world who are the biggest pussies on earth. Firstly, you can create your own website here on our Network. Secondly, you can talk about these insane people in the Twat Forum.
Disclaimer: as we see above, the loonies have fucked up our freedoms which we once had. So, it's up to members or contributors to stay within the confines of the law. The old nursery rhyme says, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me. We don't want to upset the useless twats do we! However, if the word twat is good enough for David Cameron to use on the radio, it's good enough for us commoners. This is what the moron said, "The trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it - too many twits might make a twat". Although we monitor the Is A Twat Network, we can't possibly check everything. The staff here can't be responsible for a rouge poster. However, if you find something GROSSLY offensive, let us know.