
Twatting made easy at the Big Twats Showcase

Use our Twatting Showcase once you have twatted someone

Once you have created your Is A Twat website, you can have a link back to it in this Twatting Showcase. However, it’ not an automatic process – you need to make a request. Obviously, if you use the Twat Forum, you can post it there yourself. Above all, show your new website on all social media sites like Facebook for maximum effect.

Twatting Showcase

Is A Twat

The names you see above have been twatted and are links back to their specific websites. These sites belong to individual members of the Pussy Club. In effect, the members consider those people to be complete twats. So, click the appropriate link and visit their website. Once you get there, you may need to click the link at the bottom of that information website to get back here. Obviously, if you like the website in question, why not share it on Facebook etc.

Obviously, we all know a twat or two. In fact, we all know a massive cunt or two as well. With this in mind, why not join in and design your very own Is A Twat website. It’s free to do so. Moreover, it’s a lot of fun too. Just to point out that if you design a website here, you can become a honorary member of the Twat Forum. This saves you the need to build up your rankings through the post count. You also get a special badge to identify you as a big twat. So, become a massive twat and create a website today!
Showcase - Hillary Clinton is a twat but some call her a cunt!

Is Hillary Clinton a twat?

All the twat websites in the list above are the work of our members, of course. Indeed, all we ask is that you don’t go too far on the grounds of hatred. Just remember the old nursery rhyme, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Besides, if you just make a website and don’t identify the person apart from the name, who gives a fuck? After all, how many John Smiths are there in the world?

To Sum Up

The Is A Twat Showcase is basically a directory of big useless twats. In order to create a website, you need to join the Pussy Club. The whole process is very easy – indeed even the stupidest of all twats can do this!

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