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Post An Article - submit a post on the Is A Twat network - do you know any twats or cunts?

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To begin with, we all know that there are some right useless twats out there. Indeed, it is hard to differentiate between a twat and a cunt. However, to the clever twats amongst us, they are all pussies. For example, some men are namby-pamby by nature. Then there are the thoroughly disgusting feminists who are just complete twats full stop.

In fact, you just have to turn on the TV to see how these cunts have infected the place. There are the presenters who are either brain dead or just brainwashed beyond repair. Then there are the entertainers who just pander up to political correctness like little pussy twats. Of course, we also have the politicians who have no idea how much twattiness they ooze.

Furthermore, there are the school teachers that are so politically correct, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. However, these people are teaching our children!

Obviously, these fucking twats are everywhere. Indeed, you just try and escape from them, its nigh on impossible. So, what can we do? The old saying, if you can’t beat them, join them, is not an option for normal twats like us. Therefore, we can only but discuss these twats and hopefully they can see where they are going wrong. However, with them being thick as fuck, they probably won’t change.

Jeremy Corbyn - twat and cunt but also a traitor

Comrade Corbyn features a lot on the Twat Network

Being A Twunt

A twunt is a cross between a twat and a cunt. You don’t need to be a twunt to post here, but it helps!

In order to post an article on the Is-A-Twat website, you need to register. This is in order to stop spam from corrupting the network. Once you join, then you can post as much as you like. However, please ensure that your article is over 200 words long. But over 300 is far better.

Once you post a twat filled article, you can view it on the Beaver Blog.

Create An Is A Twat Website!

Yes indeed you can do this when you become a member. In fact, you can create as many websites as you wish here. For instance, you can create a website like this ‘John Smith Is A Twat’. For more information, please visit the Twat Club.

Twat Forum

The Twat Forum is a place where all us twats can hang out and talk about the biggest twats around. Moreover, if you become a member of the blogs here, you can have a special badge to show off in the forum. Therefore, your twattiness is assured and you don’t have to work up through the rankings.

To sum up, its so easy to post an article on the Is A Twat network as you can see. But we also have the message boards to show of your twatting skills. Don’t be a fanny all your life – start posting today!

Post an article on IS A Twat - the network that exposes the biggest cunts on earth - Diane Abbott

Can there be a bigger twat than Diane Abbott?

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