Good To Be Here

It’s good to be here on the Twat Network so thanks to Bobby for the invite. I just thought I would add a post here to see how the system works because it seems just a little bit too easy. I am not used to blog posting and I actually looked for a smiley there!

Good To Be Here

I guess you could also call this a small introduction into blogging as well, smiley face ha ha ha. Yes I am a bit of a twat but I have a high IQ but then again that’s just my opinion.

Up to now, I have joined the Twat Forum and created a website which I am having fun with. I never thought that making a website was so easy. Yes, it maybe only an information website, but it has had a load of laughs on my Facebook pages.

Now, I am making a blog post, wow. I haven’t pressed ‘enter’ yet so I wonder what happens when I do.

My Twat Face

Sorry, but I can’t post my twat face but I will post someone else’s (laugh out loud smiley).

Cyril Smith the paedophile - so a number one twat - Good To Be Here

Cyril Smith – this paedophile had to be a twat as well.

Off Now

Writing over 200 words was easier than I thought it would be, it’s all a load of slaver, I know but the attempt was made. In fact, anyone who calls my attempt is the biggest twat ever in my opinion. I would like to see them try so I can twat them!

Bah! I will get used to all this I’m sure and I might even try another post later. Anyway, that’s my contribution to the Beaver Blog for the time being, so now I am off to cause havoc in the Twat Forum (rotflao smiley). I have already been twatted and now I am going to do some twatting.

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